Computer Whiz’s
That makes me think back to my first time using a computer on my own. I was a freshman in college and needed to write a paper for English 101. So I was 18 my first time. I am sure many of you kids reading this were much younger than I was your first time using a computer. At the same time some of the more mature readers may have been a little older.
This may not seem fair because the younger generation has had more opportunities at a younger age to use a computer. But that will not be an issue for much longer. After all Apple has been around for 25 years now.
Maybe you are a computer whiz. I would like to take a survey and hear your story. When was your first time using a computer by yourself? Leave a comment or send me and email and I’ll post it for all to see.
I love how we do it
Last night we had a Baptism and Lord’s Supper service in Kannapolis. This was an amazing night. We baptized 6 people, took communion together and then had a time of sharing.
If you have never been to a communion service at High Rock then dang, you don’t know what you’re missing. No one can explain to you how God’s Spirit fills you during this time. Then we also had 6 people announce to the world their acceptance of God’s gift of salvation and commitment to follow Jesus. That kind of stuff never gets old. The time if sharing makes my heart melt because of the kind words that are expressed and the evidence of changed lives standing and thanking God for this group of believers we call High Rock. Also, that never gets old.
Do what you have to for our next Lord’s Supper and Baptism, at any campus, just don’t miss it. I promise you will not regret it.
Parents look like idiots
Or at least that’s how I felt I looked earlier today. The kids (3 under 5) and I ran a few errands this morning. One of the places we went was Auto Zone. We needed some wiper blades for the mini Van (the most practical vehicle for families with small kids). So when we walk in the associate asked me if he could help me find anything. I had noticed some wiper blades already but wasn’t sure what size because the owners manual didn’t give a replacement part number (I hate that), so I said sure. Gave him the info and choose a part. He was feeling a ton of pity on me so he even went and got the replacement blades for me. While I was keeping the kids rounded up he was ringing me out and as I paid him, he asked me this question “Do you need any help putting these on?” I felt like I must have looked like an idiot. Maybe I was for taking three kids into Auto Zone by my self. But here I am with a 4 year Mechanical Engineering degree, years of experience working with mechanical systems, and love changing the cars oil myself. This guy doesn’t know me so he couldn’t have known.
It made me think that all too often we think of God as an idiot. I know no one would ever say it out loud. But every time we choose not to include God and allow God to lead every area of our life that is exactly what we are saying. Even though God has all the answers, the experience and the perfect plan we often choose not to allow him to do what only he can do, fill our lives with joy and peace. Maybe we think that we got ourselves into this mess and we need to get ourselves out. Or we can just handle it on our own, or it’s too small for God to worry about. Or maybe we just don’t like what God has planned for us.
If we really knew God then we would never think this way. In Jeremiah 29:11-13 God promises us that he has a plan for us and it will be perfect, when we talk to Him and ask for help he will listen. However, we must seek God with ALL OUR HEART.
What do you need to wholeheartedly seek God with today?