The hardest question ever
Well it happened last night. My oldest son (by 36 min) asked me one of the hardest questions a kid could ever ask their parent (besides WHY? about 300 times in a row). He asked this question:
“Daddy, why does Santa go out on Christmas and give presents to everybody?”
That was the first thought that popped into my head as it was spinning. I mean come on, how can I be truthful with him, honor Christ with my answer, and not kill every bit of fun that he has with Christmas?
DANG! “Why didn’t you ask your mom that?”
I thought do you tell him there is no Santa. NOPE, not a chance. Do I act ordinary (like and idiot) (from the message this weekend apparently I don’t have to act I already am)? I can’t do that because I always explain things to my kids even if they may not be able to understand. This is what I do and I believe they expect it.
“God, please give me an answer for this question.”
He did. This is what I told Timothy: “Christmas is when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday and what do we give people at their birthday party? “Presents” Timothy said. “That’s right son.”
Now I know this didn’t specifically answer the question about “why Santa” but it got me off the hook for now.
Feel free to give me your answer to the hardest question ever.

great answer!
yeah, when laurel was 5 and we were doing operation christmas child shoe boxes for children in other countries and we were doing an angel tree child for a local mission- she asked ' why doesn't santa give those kids presents- the ones in other countries and the ones who don't live in my neighborhood? why does he like some kids and not all of them?'
yeah- what do you say to that?! after many, many talks we flat out told the truth- and because of her heart, she was actually very much relieved. she's 10 now and keeps the secret from the younger ones- for we still do those missions, but th younger ones haven't asked about it like she did. her soul was just wise beyond its years...
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